As you look through the items, you may find some prices quite reasonable, and others seemingly outrageous, and wonder how these were determined. We carefully research and track the current online market prices at major sites for each item taking into consideration the condition of the item and the supply and demand for it. In some cases, we have items which cannot be found elsewhere on the internet, so we are setting the market based on the demand. We review prices monthly, so some may go down, and some may go up. Much like with airline tickets, prices will fluctuate.
One of our collecting criteria is to never acquire something that we ourselves do not actually want for our own collections. If an item doesn’t sell, we won’t have any regrets about still having it in our possessions. We won’t be on our death beds lamenting, “Rosebud…I should have priced that 7″ at 20% lower.” We love every item we acquire and are proud to have them in our homes.